Meet our Junior Series: Spending Money
The materials in this content pack show 6–10 year olds how their spending choices can easily be influenced by family, friends and popular culture.
(NOTE: We produce materials that reflect both the Canadian and U.S. financial industries and spelling conventions.)
Images posted on social media (think Instagram or Facebook) can provide bite-sized information, and also link to the video on your website.
You can have a "Spending Money" takeover of your CU's Facebook Page, and integrate your website's homepage advertising with the same image.
We replaced the typical handout we create for each topic with a coloring comic. These are great to hand out in the classroom, or post on your CU's Facebook Page as a fun download.
This one-page lesson lets kids who enjoy reading learn about spending money, with simple questions that can test their retention.
Our Junior content includes a topic-focused activity sheet that reinforces the lesson.
Nala Henkel-Aislinn heads up new business development at Currency Marketing and is passionate about spreading the word about the It's a Money Thing Financial Education Program that credit unions from around North America are using to connect with new young adult members.