Watch what you say!

CUES Credit Union Management—Your words may be turning off Gen Y. The words you use to sing the praises of your credit union could very well be pushing Gen Y away. How can your credit union change the words it uses to become more relevant to the next generation of credit union members?

Make a big noise

CUES Credit Union Management—To get noticed on and off line. Credit unions are taking a toe-in-the-water approach to social media. This strategy typically involves asking a young staff member to set up a Twitter profile, a Facebook fan page and upload a corporate video or two to YouTube.

We’re all talking but is anybody listening?

CUES Skybox—Credit unions are writing blog posts, posting videos, tweeting tweets, updating statuses and generally blasting out messages any way possible through all these "free" social media channels. We're all talking, but is anybody listening? Or more specifically, is anybody interacting?

Lack of young blood runs deeper than membership

Credit Union Times—The lack of young credit union members has been a hot topic for awhile. A growing number of credit unions and leagues are taking this potentially industry-ending issue seriously and are actively pursuing younger members. But what are credit unions doing to attract, retain and reward the future leaders of the industry?

Get social to advance your career

CUES Skybox—Graduate from university, get an entry level position and make your way up through the ranks to the executive suite. Put in the time toiling in your cube and someday the corner office with the view of the parking lot will be yours. That's how it works in the credit union industry. Right?

Q&A: integrated social media + financial marketing

The Financial BrandWe sat down with Tim McAlpine, president and creative director of Currency Marketing, to talk about integrated social media marketing for financial institutions. As one of the financial industry’s most accomplished and well-respected social media marketers, Tim’s firm has developed a number of successful programs targeting niche groups, including the renowned Young & Free Spokester Challenge and, most recently, the Mommy Blogger Challenge.

Are you beating down your next-gen leaders

CUES SkyboxI have been working with credit unions for 17 years now, but up until the advent of the social Web, I had never felt the real power of the cooperative movement: collaboration and sharing. But since getting interested in social media and its potential for marketing and communications about four years ago, I have met a bunch of like-minded, enthusiastic credit union advocates hanging out on line.

Hey Oprah, Twitter may be all the rage but credit unions are cool too!

CUES Skybox—I've been reading the CUES Skybox for the last couple of years and I know that some pretty heavy-duty topics are discussed here. That's why I've decided to take on the hard-hitting subject of Twitter and Oprah! She started tweeting on Friday, April 17. In case you've been living under a rock, Twitter  is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its members to send and read other members' updates known as tweets.

10 tips for getting unpaid coverage

CUES Credit Union Management—How do you garner significant unpaid media attention for your credit union? Create a compelling good news story with multiple chapters. Here's how our marketing agency worked with $1.6 billion (U.S.) Common Wealth Credit Union, Lloydminster, Alberta, to create sustained media interest that has resulted in incredible unpaid coverage for the launch of a free checking account. While free checking accounts in the U.S. are commonplace, that isn't yet the case in Canada.

Who's in charge of this stuff?

Open Source CU—By this stuff, I mean this new stuff. Web 2.0. User-generated content. Social media. Whatever you want to call it. All this stuff you live and breathe. All this stuff that continues to come in waves. All this stuff that you know is perfect for your credit union. All this stuff that you can’t explain to anyone who is not involved. All this stuff your members are doing online. All this stuff that you know is passing your credit union by.